
duration: 8 semesters
240 ECTS (18 mandatory and 12 optative in modules; )
data de acreditação: 31/07/2021
prazo de acreditação(anos): 6
Establishment/DGES Codes: /5309


The overall objective of the Program is, based on an integrated training with scientific research basis, to provide students with general skills and scientific training in Biology that will contribute to their integration into the current labour market. It proposes a comprehensive program that integrates different areas of biology, namely Biodiversity and Conservation, Functional Biology, Global Change Biology, Aquatic and Marine Biology, Molecular Biology and Plant Protection, Human Biolology among others. The specific objectives are: 1) to deepen students' knowledge of biology through contact with diverse scientific areas and professional contexts; 2) to enable flexible training, by attending optional courses( Transversal courses for 3º Cicle) at the University of Évora; 3) to promote international thesis projects whose results are published as articles in international journals (ISI). Within the scope of the AMIGO Consortium, possibilities for the mobility of PhD students are provided for a period of 3 months to the following countries: 1. Cabo Verde: Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV); 2. Montenegro: Universidade de Montenegro; 3. Marrocos: UNIVERSITE CHOUAIB DOUKKALI; 4. Argélia: UNIVERSITE DE BEJAIA; 5. Palestina: BIRZEIT UNIVERSITY;

Professional Careers

Wide range of employment prospects linked not only to scientific research and teaching, in public and private institutions, but also to entrepreneurship and consultancy. In addition, the PhD in Biology was submitted to recognition by the Ministry of Education for progression in the teaching career under Administrative Rule 344/2008 of April 30 (Recruitment Group 520 - Biology and Geology) of the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and of Secondary Education.

Associate Director(s)

Ana Catarina Sousa
Carla Pinto Cruz
Pedro R. Almeida

Gestor Académico

Ana Cristina Alves Dias Vale

Completed Thesis

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