About IIFA
The Institute for Advanced Studies and Research - IIFA is an organic unit created by the Statutes of University of Évora. Point 1 of Article 52 of the mentioned Statutes states that IIFA "is an organic unit of the University, whose mission is to support research activity, in order to guarantee the quality of the work of research units, ensure assessment of their scientific production and articulate their scientific activity with the educational system of advanced studies, namely, the third cycles and international masters. "
Based on the current Statutes of IIFA the strategic objectives of this institute are "to promote the internationalization of research teams, promote development of the scientific culture, and in particular training of doctoral supervisors, ensure management of Masters and PhD Scholarship programs of the University of Évora, accompany the process of accreditation of courses with the National Agency for Accreditation and support the Centers in the assessment process, provide a framework for Researching Professorships that could come to be created, and also organize common use scientific structures, such as workshops, to support scientific research. "