CIDEHUS - Interdisciplinary Center for History, Cultures and Societies

CIDEHUS.UE is a research unit funded by FCT/MCES that carries out interdisciplinary projects in the field of History and areas of Human and Social Sciences, focused on Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, with a comparative perspective.

CIDEHUS has a large research team that coordinates numerous research projects whose results have had national and international dissemination in various scientific events and academic publications, among which the editorial line promoted by the centre should be highlighted.

Phone: +351 266 740 800
Ext.: extensão 54322 | 54313
CIDEHUS - Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora
Palácio do Vimioso
Largo do Marquês de Marialva, n.º 8
Apartado 94 7000-809 Évora - Portugal
FCT Assessment
"Very Good"


PhD Full Members

