Scientific area: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Conservation Sciences, Material Sciences, or related areas related to material characterization of Works of Art.

 BI Scholarship (Master's Research Grant) under the project "Cister.Hor - Cistercian Horizons. Study and characterize a medieval scriptorium and its production: Alcobaça. Dialogues between local identities and liturgicaluniformity."(PTDC / ART-HIS / 29522/2017), financially supported by theState Budget through the FCT,


Admission requests: Master's in one of the areas mentioned in the "Scientific Area", being considered as priority factor the classification in curricular units in the areas of examination and analytical methods (eg. XRF, FT-IR, FORS, Raman, SEM-EDS), and in art and technological source research (production of illuminated manuscripts).


Working plan: The fellow will participate in the project Cister.Hor as a researcher at the University of Évora and will participate in the task of material characterization of a set of illuminated manuscripts of the Alcobaça collection produced in the 12th-15th centuries, through in-situ analyzes (XRF, FT- IR, FORS, digital microscopy), data analysis (chemometric analysis) and analysis of color extent of use.


Therefore, it is expected that the fellow BI Master contributes actively and committed to:


• Production of historical accurate reproductions based on medieval-renaissance treaties / prescriptions (mock-ups) to optimize the analytical approaches to be used;

• Preparation of in-situ missions to analyze the manuscripts;

• In-situ analysis of selected manuscripts;

• Analysis of micro-samples collected during the on-site missions;

• Data analysis and data processing.


From 03.05.2019 to 16.05.2019