Bolsa Pos-Doc - ALT0008
Scientific Area: Database Management, Ecological Modelling and spatially explicit data analysis.

A Post-Doctoral training fellowship is now open for applications at University of Évora in the framework of the Project "New tools for monitoring ecosystems services in traditional Alentejo production systems under intensification” (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000008) , financed by Alentejo 2020.


A large data set of spatially explicit data concerning species distributions and different types of geographic and land management data is available. The main aim of this grant is to compile and update all this information in a SIG database and to model species and community responses to landscape characteristics, infrastructure location and type, and land management.


Required background and skills:


PhD in Biology, Ecology or related fields. Proven programing experience in R and Shiny; experience in the use of free Geographic Information System software (QGIS, GRASS); experience in environmental modelling; solid experience in scientific paper writing; driver license.

Language: English as a first or second language is required

From 18.12.2017 to 02.01.2018