Bolsa Mestre - DIVERCROP
Scientific domain: interaction between social sciences, agronomy, geography.

A call is open for one Master Research Scholarship within the ARIMENT project “Land system dynamics in the Mediterranean basin across scales as relevant indicator for species diversity and local food systems” (ARIMNET2/0001/2016). Financed by ARIMNet2 (Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean; 2014-2017) which is an ERA-NET Action financed by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme for research.

Requirements for admission: The candidates should have a:


1)      Master in Agronomy, Forestry, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Political sciences or other social sciences. 


2)      Knowledge on the Mediterranean agricultural practices, species diversity and local food systems at multiple spatial scales will be particularly valued.


3)      Knowledge on social science analyses instruments are needed. Training and or experience with the use of participatory approaches will be valued. Engagement in previous transdisciplinarity projects will be particularly valued. Fluency in Portuguese is required.  


Organization: ICAAM
From 27.12.2017 to 10.01.2018