Bolsa Pos-Doc POR30
Scientific Area: PhD in Chemistry, Food Science or related areas


A call is currently open for a PosDoc fellowship under the project “Por3O - Portuguese Olive Oil Omics for traceability and authenticity”, PTDC/AGR- PRO/2003/2014









Por3O Project is based on a genomic and metabolomic approaches and the main goals are:  the authenticity of extra virgin olive oils, considering geographic and varietal aspect, and the genuineness of the product to yield a useful tool for screening for fraud and for the olive oil certification.


The PosDoc fellow should therefore:


·         be able to perform automously the analytical measurements of bulk and compound specific carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur isotopes in olive oils;


·         be able to work in multidisciplinary teams;


·         collaborate in teaching and supervising of undergraduate and graduate students




From 30.01.2017 to 10.02.2017