Published in 15.03.2023
Organização: IIFA  Direção: Anabela Pereira (Universidade de Évora) & Paulo Chaló  (Kingston University London)
From 29.11.2018 | 09:00 to 30.11.2018
     The III PhD Students Meeting in Environment and Agriculture will take place at the University of  Évora on the 29th and 30th of November 2018
Published in 08.07.2015
It’s now available online the webpage of project TREASURE “Diversity of local pig breeds and production systems for high quality traditional products and sustainable pork chains” (2015-2019). This project was proposed and accepted under the Horizon 2020 - EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The University of Évora is one of the partners of the project that includes a total of 25 partners from 9 European countries.
From 17.09.2024 to 04.10.2024
17:00 | Diversos espaços da Universidade de Évora
From 10.10.2024 to 12.10.2024
09:00 | Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo, Évora