Rui Nabeiro Biodiversity Chair


The Chair

The ‘Rui Nabeiro’ Biodiversity Chair is the first privately sponsored chair in Portugal. Sponsorship was provided by DELTA-Cafés and the Chair will be hosted at the University of Évora.

The ‘Rui Nabeiro’ Biodiversity Chair is endowed with EUR 500,000 between 2009-2014. It was established with the aim of promoting a research programme at the forefront of the biodiversity and global change fields, providing research leadership to colleagues working in this and similar fields; contributing to the broadening of the university’s research portfolio, seeking new strategic directions and alliances; and contributing to postgraduate teaching and training of PhD students. The Chair is part of the CIBIO, which is the Portuguese platform of excellence in biodiversity research and is currently jointly hosted by the Universities of Porto, Azores, and Évora.

Doctoral training

The ‘Rui Nabeiro’ Biodiversity Chair currently supports the PhD programme in Biology proposed by the IIFA (Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada). Prospective students should contact the PhD Programme Director, Prof. Solange Oliveira, for registration and course details. You can also contact the chair holder or any of the team members of the chair for enquiries regarding potential supervision of PhD projects. Note that to obtain support from the Rui Nabeiro Biodiversity Chair, projects should typically relate to the research interests of the team members For more information about the PhD programme read here.

For support documentation on particular seminars, click on their names below. PhD seminar: Controversies in invasion ecology.

PhD Seminar: Modelling species’ distributions and ecological niches PhD seminar: C-on serving biodiversity in a changing world. PhD seminar: Species-Area Relationships : a central tool for ecological studies and conservation applications.

Short Courses

The Rui Nabeiro Biodiversity Chair is committed to provide advanced training to PhD students and researchers. The Rui Nabeiro training courses will focus on methodological aspects of ecological and evolutionary research and will be offered every year. Most courses will be taught in English.


The Rui Nabeiro Biodiversity Chair is commited to provide in-house seminars on a variety of topics spanning the whole of biological and ecological sciences. These seminars are targeted to undergraduate as well as postgraduate students, but they are also expected to raise interest among academics working at the University of Évora and beyond.

Training wor Training workshops

The Rui Nabeiro Training Workshops are intended to provide advanced scientific training of PhD students and post docs associated with the Chair and collaborators.

Cátedra Rui Nabeiro - Biodiversidade
Universidade de Évora
Casa do Cordovil 2ª Andar 7004-516 Évora, Portugal




Associated Courses