
duration: 6 semesters
180 ECTS (18 mandatory in modules; )
data de acreditação: 31/07/2022
prazo de acreditação(anos): 6
Establishment/DGES Codes: /9659


This programme aims to contribute to the advanced training of researchers and the production of knowledge in the field of Linguistics.  The activities carried out within the scope of this PhD fall within the research lines of two R&D Centres (CEL-UÉ and CIDEHUS-UÉ) accredited by the FCT.  The aim is to carry out scientific research in specialised areas of Linguistics, promoting the consolidation of the following skills: mastery of the methodologies and research practices associated with the area of Linguistics, as well as deepening the ability to design and carry out original research, respecting the standards of academic quality and integrity.  The aim is also to develop the ability to transfer the knowledge produced in specific areas of Linguistics to the academic community and society in general.

Professional Careers

Research career in public, polytechnic or private higher education; teaching Portuguese, teaching foreign languages.   Recruitment Group 200, 210, 220 for the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education; 300, 310, 320, 340, 350 for the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education.

Associate Director(s)

Maria do Céu Brás da Fonseca
Maria João Marçalo

Gestor Académico

Maria Raquel Estudante Fernandes

Completed Thesis

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