
duration: 8 semesters
240 ECTS (12 mandatory in modules; )
data de acreditação: 31/07/2019
prazo de acreditação(anos): 6
Establishment/DGES Codes: /9341


This program, with five branches of specialization, aims to train historians and heritage experts capable of producing innovative and rigorous knowledge. It seeks to enable the acquisition of conceptual and methodological tools suitable for historical/heritage research, fostering openness to methodologies from other disciplinary areas. The program also aims to strengthen critical reflection skills and cognitive understanding of diverse past realities to generate original knowledge. Additionally, it aims to develop oral and written communication skills applicable to higher education and a research career. The program intends to raise awareness among students about the application of historical knowledge in different intellectual and professional areas. It aims to enhance autonomous critical reflection skills, promote the ability to project experiences from other historical contexts onto current issues of governance and citizenship, and develop instruments for local/regional and national or transnational cohesion through consistent reflections on memory.

Professional Careers

- Specialized higher-level technicians; - Research; - Higher education teaching; - Executive leadership positions.

Associate Director(s)

Ana Carvalho
Paulo Guimarães
Sara Albuquerque

Gestor Académico

Vitória dos Anjos Bonito Guiomar

Completed Thesis

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