CHAIA - Centre for Art History and Artistic Research
CHAIA - History of Art and Artistic Research Centre of the University of Évora, is an R&D unit which main field of activity is the study of arts in a historical, archaeological and heritage perspective and of the actual artistic practices, in a long-term temporality, from Prehistory to Contemporaneity. It includes professors and researchers of the University of Évora as well as of other national institutions, organized by research groups: History of Art, Archaeology, Architecture, Landscape Arts and Techniques, Theatre Studies and Visual Arts and Design. It is the only research and development (R&D) unit in the scientific and technological Portuguese system to link a cultural heritage, historical and archaeological approach to Art with its contemporary practice, manifested in the theme areas of Heritage, Landscape, Performative Arts and Art, Science and Technology.
CHAIA - Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística
Palácio do Vimioso
Largo Marquês de Marialva, 8 7000-809 Évora
PhD Full Members
Ana María Moya Pellitero (Investigador (eq. Investigador Principal))
Ana Pérez-Quiroga (Researcher)
Ana Tamen (Assistant Professor, Department of Performing Arts)
André Miguel Serra Pedreira Carneiro (Associate Professor with Agregação, Department of History)
Aurora da Conceição Parreira Carapinha (Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning) [Aposentado]
Celia Figueiredo (Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Celso Mangucci (Invited Assistant Professor, Department of History)
Inês Secca Ruivo (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Isabel Bezelga (Associate Professor, Department of Performing Arts)
João Barros Matos (Assistant Professor, Department of Arquitecture)
João Cordeiro (Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
João Gabriel Candeias Dias Soares (Associate Professor, Department of Arquitecture)
Jorge Alberto Santos Croce Rivera (Assistant Professor, Department of Philosofy)
José Miguel Gago da Silva (Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Luís Filipe Soares Afonso (Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Manuela Cristóvão (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Marcos Alexandre Freire dos Santos (Assistant Professor, Department of Performing Arts)
Maria da Conceição Marques Freire (Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning)
Maria do Céu Simões Tereno (Associate Professor, Department of Arquitecture)
Mariana do Rosário Machado (Invited Research Assistant Professor)
Maria Teresa Amado (Assistant Professor, Department of History)
Nelson J. Almeida (Assistant Professor, Department of History)
Paula Maria Simões (Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning)
Paula Maria Vieira Reaes Pinto (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Paulo Maldonado (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Paulo Simões Rodrigues (Associate Professor, Department of History)
Pedro Guilherme (Assistant Professor, Department of Arquitecture)
Pedro Matos Gameiro (Assistant Professor, Department of Arquitecture)
Pedro Paulo Alves Pereira (Associate Professor with Agregação, Department of Performing Arts)
Pedro Portugal (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Renato Bandeira de Gouvêa Machado (Assistant Professor, Department of Performing Arts)
Rui Valério (Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Rute Sousa Matos (Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning)
Samuel Viana Meyler (Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Performing Arts)
Sofia Salema (Associate Professor, Department of Arquitecture)
Teresa Veiga Furtado (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Tiago Navarro Marques (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Vanda Gorjão (Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Vítor Manuel dos Santos Gomes (Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design)
Non-PhD Full Members
Paulo Tiago Santos Figueira Rocha Cabeça [Doutorando]
Ana Margarida Pinto da Fonseca (Invited Research Assistant Professor)
Gustavo Silva Val-Flores [Doutorando]
Jacira de Jesus Lopes Fernandes da Conceição [Doutorando]
Joana Abranches Portela [Doutorando]
Joana Filipe Domingues da Ponte Martins [Doutorando]
Laura Vitorino Rebelo [Doutorando]
Mónica Daniela Correia Monteiro [Doutorando]
Nuno Manuel Farinha Lourenço [Doutorando]
Pedro Manuel Pereira da Silva Tavares [Doutorando]
Ramon Santana de Aguiar [Doutorando]
Silvana Raquel Vieira de Sousa [Doutorando]
Ana Luisa Abreu Alferes Lourido (Senior Official)