Renewable Energies Chair
Created in 2010, the Chair in Renewable Energies of the University of Évora (UEvora RE Chair) has soon defined as main research topic the use of Concentrating Optics in Solar Energy conversion technologies as means of widening the range of applications as well as of increasing the competitiveness of their use.
At the core of INIESC, the National Research Infrastructure in Solar Energy Concentration, UEvora RE Chair develops research along the main vectors defining the role of solar energy technologies as a solution for the Energy Transition: PV or CSP power generation; thermal or electrical energy storage; solar energy for energy supply to Industry and Agriculture; solar resource and Energy system integration strategies.
Cátedra Energias Renováveis - Universidade de Évora
Pólo da Mitra da Universidade de Évora
Edifício Ário Lobo de Azevedo 7000-083 Nossa Senhora de Tourega
Non-PhD Full Members
Afonso Cavaco (Researcher)
Diogo Canhão de Sousa Canavarro (Investigador (eq. Investigador Auxiliar))
Frederico Alexandre Coruche Felizardo (Assistente Investigação Convidado)
João Paulo da Cruz Marchã (Assistente Investigação Convidado)
José Almeida Silva (Researcher)
Luís Fialho (Invited Research Associate Professor)
Maria Helena Novais (Researcher)
Paula Cristina Ribeiro Martins (Assistente Investigação Convidado)
Pedro André dos Santos Ribeiro Horta (Invited Research Full Professor)
Radia Ait El Cadi (Researcher)
Tiago Ribeiro Eusébio (Assistente Investigação Convidado)
Ailton César Moniz Tavares [Doutorando]
Asma Nouira [Investigador pós-doutorado]
Carlos Manuel Neves Rodrigues (Senior Official)
Carolina Serrão (Senior Official)
Fabiano Amante (Senior Official)
Joana Mouquinho Penderlico (Senior Official)
João Homem (Senior Official)
Paula Cristina Querido Gentil Santos (Senior Official)